Welcome to my blog!

People often ask me to explain a certain photo, or to provide details of certain images... the who, when, where and how... so I created this blog to give a more in-depth look at how some of my images were captured, created, edited and ultimately turned into a photographic work of art. I hope you enjoy... please feel free to post your thoughts and questions!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Puerto Rico Part 2

I decided there was a little more to tell about the Puerto Rico "photo-journey", so, here it is... part 2!

The first two photos are from El Morro Castle... El Castillo de San Felipe del Morro was declared a World Heritage elite by the United Nations in 1933. El Morro is Puerto Rico’s best known fortress. Spanish troops fortified this ‘morro’. which means ‘promontory’, to keep seaborne enemies out of San Juan. The construction of this fourt began in 1589... its a must see if you ever get a chance to visit Puerto Rico. As you can see, the rustic walls of the 400+ year-old fort make a great back drop for scenic photos.
The fort is located within walking distance to Old San Juan. The heart of Old San Juan is not only a great place to observe great architecture, but its also a great place to people-watch... candid shots are my favorite... I love to capture photos of people when they think no one is paying attention. These next couple of pics are great examples of the people of OSJ... I learned a little bit about "island time" here too... the people never seemed to be in a hurry to do anything. The only ones in a hurry, were the tourists!

The next time you're in a crowded city, take a look around at the people, and if you have your camera, try your hand at a few candid shots.

One of our last days on the island we visited, El Yonque (El Yunkie), the rain forest located on the NE side of the island. The rain forest was beautiful, but truthfully, it looked a lot like most any forest or woodlands found on the mainland... However, once you took a closer look, it became readily apparent that it was definitely different. The most interesting parts of the jungle were in the small details... some of the most amazing natural works of art were almost hidden by the lush canopy of green...

You can see in the first photo how similar to our woodlands it appears to be, but if you look closer, there are many details that let you know, its definitely different.

All-in-all, it was a great trip... if you ever get the chance... GO!

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