Since I have been focusing mostly on motorcycles and cars lately, I thought I would change it up a bit and start off my new blog with some travel photos.
This photo was taken a few months ago in Puerto Rico at a very exclusive resort called El Conquistador. From what I was told, members of the Bush family have been known to vaca there, including George W. It is one of those places that you see in magazines or on TV... The views were stunning. The opulence was in stunning contrast to the rest of the island.
Let me back up a bit and make it clear... this is NOT where we stayed. We were fortunate enough to have some friends who were going to the island for the holidays to visit family. We tagged along and stayed with their relatives. It was an awesome way to experience the REAL Puerto Rico - home cooking, roadside stands, real people, local bars... the whole deal. El Conquistadore was just one of many places we were able to visit during our 10-day stay on the island. We spent a considerable amount of time visiting beaches of course, traveling through local towns and eating local foods. T

As you can see in the 3rd photo, the beaches were just picture-perfect. This photo was taken on or close to New Year's day. The weather was perfect, around 85 degrees. This was the first time I had ever experienced the holidays in a warm weather climate... as a Pennsylvania boy, it was truly a strange feeling to be laying on a beach on New Year's day.

The 4th photo is one of my favorites from the trip. This was around the back of a roadside stand were we stopped to pick up a coouple empanedillas (kinda like a deep-fried, meat-filled perrogi) As you can see, there is quite a contrast from the resort at El Conquistadore. This roadside stand is more representative of the island. This man didn't speak English and I don't speak Spanish, but he saw the camera and smiled - proudly displaying his bottle of rum!
Sometimes, the best photos aren't about a stunning scenic view, or a brightly colored backdrop. To me, some of the best photos are about capturing a moment or a feeling... its about capturing the little things that we miss as we go about our daily lives. No one was paying any attention to this old man behind the roadside market, and I would have missed it too if I wouldn't have taken the extra two minutes to walk around the side of the building to explore.
If you would like to see more photos from our trip to Puerto Rico, please visit my site at the following link. As always, feel free to send me your comments, questions and suggestions!